Drs. Kevin Vincent, Jason Zaremski, Daniel Herman and Heather Vincent appeared in multiple venues at the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPMR) “Success Through Innovation” meeting in Orlando, Florida October 25-28, 2018.
- Dr. Zaremski directed and moderated the session “Quick Hits: Controversial Topics in Musculoskeletal Medicine. What Does the Research Say?”
- Dr. Dan Herman presented “Corticosteroid Injections in Osteoarthritis: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”.
- Dr. Kevin Vincent presented, “gait Assessment During Post-injury Rehabilitation in Runners: When is it Necessary?”
- Dr. Zaremski presented, “Weighted Ball Velocity Programs in Pitchers: Does the Need for Speed Lead to Increased Throwing Injury?”
Dr. K Vincent was honored for his Chairing and leadership service on the Musculoskeletal Council.
Dr. H Vincent also presented two posters, one podium:
- Recent History of Lower Extremity Injury and Kinetic Characteristics of Overweight and Obese Runners (authors HK Vincent, C Chen, M Bruner, J Wasser and KR Vincent). This abstract was selected as a President’s Citation Award finalist for the Assembly.
- Trajectories of PROMIS Function and Well-Being Measures in Morbidly Obese Patients After Orthopedic Trauma (authors Vincent HK, Zdziarski-Horodyski LA, Horodyski M, Hagen JE, Vasilopoulos T, Guenther R, Patrick M, Sharififar S, Sadasivan KK)
Joseph Wasser also presented his poster: Unanticipated Pain Relief Effect with Progressive Resistance Exercise in Patients with Knee OA and Comorbid Low Back Pain (authors J Wasser, HK Vincent, KR Vincent).
Dr. H Vincent also moderated several research sessions including top papers in Musculoskeletal and Pain, Quality Improvement and Resident Research and Dr. Zaremski also Chaired the national Medical Student Program-Lectures and Resident Panel.