February 2020:
Jack E Kilgore III was selected as a 2020 Medical Student Research Program Goodman Trust Prize winner for his work with Dr. Heather Vincent the UF College of Medicine’s Celebration of Research event. His work was titled, ”Impact of Body Mass Index on Biomechanics of Recreational Runners” Kilgore JE, Chen C, Bruner M, Horodyski M, Vincent KR, Vincent HK (Mentor). His work was subsequently published:
Vincent HK, Kilgore JE, Chen C, Bruner M, Horodyski M, VIcnent KR. Impact of body mass index on biomechanics of recreational runners. PMR the Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation, 2020 Jan 29. doi: 10.1002/pmrj.12335. PMID: 31994820
During his summer research experience in the UF Discovery Pathway Program, Jack also published a clinical pearl with Dr. Vincent:
Correcting Foot Crossover While Running. Kilgore JE 3rd,Vincent KR, Vincent HK. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2020 Jan;19(1):4-5.