Dr. Madsen represented research efforts of two original projects of the department. In her first poster presentation titled “Biomechanical Comparison of Pediatric Runners with Tibial Stress Fractures to Adult Counterparts” by Aimee Madsen, Kevin R. Vincent and Heather K. Vincent, Dr. Madsen compared leg stiffness and loading variables among healthy adolescents and those with recent history of stress fractures to adult comparison groups. She found that potential targets to help mitigate injury may be changing step length and stiffness on the ground to promote better movement control. In her second poster titled “ Nutrition Intake Pattern Association with Pain Severity among Patients with Low Back and Multisite Pain: Implications for Physiatrists”, Dr. Madsen reported that among patients being treated in a comprehensive spine center, pain site number and severity may be related to servings of anti-inflammatory fresh vegetables consumed.

Dr. Rosie Conic represented the department with a timely and important oral scientific paper presentation titled “Decline in Medicare Reimbursement for Outpatient Procedures in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from 2010-2023”. Dr. Conic independently perform this large project to inform the field of the financial trends and considerations needed to prepare for them.