UF Running Center

Florida’s most established and comprehensive running center


This is one of the department’s longest-standing areas of expertise and was founded by Dr. Kevin Vincent in 2008. Over 16 years, our program has become nationally and internationally recognized for advancing the performance, health and safety of runners with all body styles, ages and experience levels. Our unique approach combines: history gathering; kinetic chain review and gait analysis; assessment of training and environmental factors; customized exercise prescription and shoewear discussion. Using these advanced tools, our goal is to optimize form and prevent injury even among the most complex cases.

People engaged in endurance exercise can experience a wide array of overuse injuries, including knee, hip, ankle, leg and spine injuries. Since these injuries can interfere with exercise participation, an evaluation should be performed as soon as possible to facilitate optimal recovery. Through the evaluation, biomechanical and training errors are also addressed so the runner can return to regular running safely.

Our accomplished and internationally recognized team of physiologists, biomechanists and therapists deliver a continuum of care and world-class problem solving for your case. Today we carry this legacy to successfully manage youth and high school athletes, along with elite collegiate and professional sponsored athletes, with empathetic care using his comprehensive, full-kinetic system approach. The clinic uses evidence and science generated in the department’s laboratory to continually improve effectiveness and quality of care.

Internationally recognized running research* Gait analyses * PT and Follow-up * Running Research Expertise * Conferences * Community outreach

Our runners seek out out services from all over the United States, Alaska and International locations including Europe, South America, Asia and the Caribbean. People from 35 states have visited our Running Center!

Services Offered:

  • Biomechanical analysis of gait and muscle imbalances that may have caused or pre-dispose to injury
  • 3D Gait studies to optimize running technique
  • Comprehensive rehabilitation program and customized exercises
  • Shoe review and transitions
  • Training prescription to assist in safe return to running after injury