Interested in joining a contact registry for long COVID related research?
The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Florida is creating a patient contact registry for people who fit this category for future research related to functional recovery from long COVID.
Who are we looking for?
- People who have experienced new, ongoing or returning symptoms after initial COVID-19 infection for at least 2 months
- Men and Women
- Aged 18-80 years
- People who have had symptoms that may include: •Fatigue •Shortness of breath •Difficulty concentrating or processing information (‘brain fog’) •Weakness or difficulty doing everyday tasks
What is involved?
This registry is a database of people with Long COVID who are interested in learning about current or upcoming IRB-approved research related to Long COVID.
By completing the online form, researchers who have shown proper documentation can obtain your contact information to invite you to participate in their study.
To join please complete the online consent form by going to
Questions or registration issues? Contact 352-273-8364