Osteoarthritis and Juvenile Arthritis: Physical Function and Interventions

Our team is actively involved in advancing knowledge of the interactions of single and multiple joint osteoarthritis (OA) on patient-centered outcomes, function and quality of life. With our expertise in ‘exercise is medicine’, we have studied different resistance training protocols to improve joint function, functional joint pain and biologic markers of OA over time. We are also generating publications using data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative to understand the effects of knee, spine and hip OA on physical measures, depression and ability to participate in life activities. Finally, the use of various non-surgical treatments has been published. Some of this research has been funded through NIH NIAMS.

Recent publications related to these topics:

Weight-cycling over 6 years is associated with pain, physical function and depression in the Osteoarthritis Initiative cohort. Vincent HK, Johnson AJ, Sibille KT, Vincent KR, Cruz-Almeida Y. Scientific Reports. 2023, 13(1): 17045. PMID: 37813940

Child and caregiver beliefs of importance of physical function and quality of life in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: a survey study. Woolnough LU, Lentini L, Bhavsar PH, Thomas MF, Casella ZM, Vincent HK.Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2024, 36(1): 88-93. PMID: 37820355

The relationships of kinesiophobia and physical function and physical activity level in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Woolnough LU, Lentini L, Sharififar S, Chen C, Vincent HK. Pediatr Rheumatol Online. 2022, 20(1):73.

Acute and chronic cardiovascular responses to concentric and eccentric exercise in older adults with knee osteoarthritis. Vincent HK, Sharififar S, McLaren C, May J, Vincent KR. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2023, 15(1):95. PMID:7528458.

Evidence-based dietary practices to improve osteoarthritis symptoms: An umbrella review. Buck AN, Vincent HK, Newman CB, Batsis JA, Abbate LM, Huffman KF, Bodley J, Vos N, Callahan LF, Shultz AP.Nutrients, 2023, 15(123): 3050. PMID:37447376

Helping Children with Obesity “Move Well” To Move More: An Applied Clinical Review. Tsiros MD, Vincent HK, Getchell N, Shultz SP. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2021 Jul 1;20(7):374-383. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000861.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, gait characteristics and relation to function. Woolnough L, Pomputius A, Vincent HK. Gait Posture. 2021 Mar;85:38-54. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.12.010.

Concentric and Eccentric Resistance Training Comparison on Physical Function and Functional Pain Outcomes in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Vincent KR, Vincent HK. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2020;99(10):932-940. 

Exercise Prescription for Weight Management in Obese Adults at Risk for Osteoarthritis: Synthesis From a Systematic Review.  Barrow DR, Abbate LM, Paquette MR, Driban JB,  Vincent HK, Newman C,  Messier SP,Ambrose KR, Shultz SP. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 Dec 20;20(1):610.