A focus of our research and disseminated work is to determine the optimal imaging methods for identification of acute and chronic back pain sources and the multidisciplinary treatment pathways for management of musculoskeletal and spine pain.
Publications related to these topics:
Considerations beyond spine pain: do different co-occurring lower body joint pains differentially influence physical function and quality of life ratings? McGargill S, Sein M, Sibille KT, Thompson Z, Brownstein M, Vincent HK. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2024, 25(1):269. PMID:38589851 PMCID: PMC11000411
Environmental and sociocultural factors are associated with pain-related brain structure among diverse individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain: intersectional considerations. Mickle AM, Staud R, Garvan CS, Kusko DA, Sambuco N, Addison BR, Vincent KR, Redden DT, Goodin BR, Fillingim RB, Sibille KT. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2024 Mar 21;16:1759720X241235805
Deciphering relationships between stress biomarkers and fibromyalgia syndrome with implications relevant to other chronic pain conditions. Mickle AM, Sibille KT. Pain. 2024 Jan 1;165(1):243-245. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003111.
Pilot study on therapeutic horticulture for chronic low back pain: A mixed methods study. Sharififar S, Sein M, Diehl E, Siang-Yu T, Nixon RM, Sheppard C, Bolling J, Majid M, Apfelbaum C, Vincent HK. Altern Ther Health Med. 2024, May 3: AT10082. PMID: 38702158.
Considerations beyond spine pain: do different co-occurring lower body joint pains differentially influence physical function and quality of life ratings? McGargill S, Sein M, Sibille KT, Thompson Z, Brownstein M, Vincent HK. BMC Musculoskeletal Disord 2024, 25(1):269. PMID:38589851
Hypertension and urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome: An analysis of MAPP-I data. BMC Urol. 2024 Jan 28;24(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s12894-024-01407-w.
Occipital Nerve Block for the Assessment of Delayed Recovery from Concussion. Laguerre M, McGargill S, Herman DC. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2020; 19(10):392.
Occipital Neuralgia – A Masquerading Cause of Concussion Symptoms. Laguerre M, McGargill S, Herman DC.Curr Sports Med Rep. 2020; 19(9):344.
Chapter 37: Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory drugs and acetaminophen. Duarte RA, Argoff CE and Dubin AH. In: Pain Management Secrets, 4th ed. Elsevier Press. Editors Charles E. Argoff, Andrew Dubin and Julie G. Plitsis. 2018. pp. 206-209.
The Impact of Local Steroid Administration on the Incidence of Neuritis Following Lumbar Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy. Singh JR, Miccio VF Jr, Modi DJ, Sein MT. Pain Physician. 2019; 22(1):69-74.
Chapter 31: Depression and Anxiety in Chronic Pain. Narayan S, Reppel A, and Dubin AH. In: Pain Management Secrets, 4th ed. Elsevier Press. Editors Charles E. Argoff, Andrew Dubin and Julie G. Plitsis. 2018. pp. 160-167.
MR Neurography of the lumbosacral plexus for lower extremity radiculopathy: frequency of findings, characteristics of abnormal intraneural signal, and correlation with electromyography. Chazen JL, Cornman-Homonoff J, Zhao Y, Sein MT, and Feuer N. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2018; 39(11), 2154-2160.
Chapter 43: Nerve Blocks: Spine. Narayan S and Dubin AH. In: Pain Management Secrets, 4th ed. Elsevier Press. Editors Charles E. Argoff, Andrew Dubin and Julie G. Plitsis. 2018. pp. 237-239.
Chapter 50: Integrated Approaches to Pain Management. Narayan S and Dubin AH. In: Pain Management Secrets, 4th ed. Elsevier Press. Editors Charles E. Argoff, Andrew Dubin and Julie G. Plitsis. 2018. pp. 262-264.
Auricular Acupuncture for Spinal Cord Injury Related Neuropathic Pain: A Pilot Controlled Clinical Trial. Estores I, Chen K, Jackson B, Lao L, Gorman PH. J Spinal Cord Med. 2017 Jul;40(4):432-438.